Monday, September 30, 2019

Christian Family Center School Essay

Domingo St. Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City is composed of Elementary and high school. Christian Family Center School Foundation uses manual way in operating their library. Library is regarded as the brain of any institute; many institutes understand the importance of the library to the growth of the institute and their esteem users (students). Library system that offers many flexible and convenient features, that allows librarians and library users to maximize time and efficiency. Library System gives the all detailed information about students, staff and books. It will track on the how many books available in library and books issued to the students. It shows popular book among the students. It will provide book lost in library. Library is derived from the old French â€Å"libraries† which means â€Å"a collection of book†. Reading materials in a school are stored in libraries. The Library is a place in which books and related materials are kept for use but not for sale. It is also organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution or a private individual. In addition, it is a place in which we get information in different formats and from many sources. The library must be neat so that it is conducive for learning. It is the place where students and researchers go to in order to find all the questions to their queries and ultimately find answers. It is therefore the role of a librarian to keep the place as clean and as orderly as possible. It is also his duty to keep safe all information related to library transactions like the ins and outs of books. Statement of the Problem Based on the conducted interview and observations, the group had come up with the following problems being encountered by the project. The study seeks to answer the following problems: 1. They spend more time in recording the inventory of the books and also in recording the transactions of borrowing. 2. Possible of losing the records. 3. The authorized person exerts more effort in this manual ways. 4. The records are unorganized. Objectives of the Study The following are the objectives aimed by the researchers to create a useful Library Management System to the proponents, Christian Family Center School Foundation. 1. To be able to develop a system that helps the school library to secure the information/data inputted. Only the authorized person can access the system. 2. To be able to minimize the time and effort of the person who is in charge in searching books. 3. To be able to minimize the possibility of losing the data. 4. To be able to have an organized data in library. Scope and Limitations The scope of the program is you can easily record the books being barrowed by the students. It also has a very user-friendly interface. Thus the users will feel very easy to work on it. The software provides accuracy along with a pleasant interface. Make the present manual system more interactive, speedy and user friendly. The transaction reports of the system can be retried as and when required. Thus, there is no delay in the availability of any information, whatever needed, can be captured very quickly and easily. Although this proposed system benefits the users, it also has its limitations. First the system is connected into a network. Only one can computer at a time can access the system. Second, the person that can access the system is limited (Librarian/Staff). Significance of the Study This IT project intends to provide an accurate and effective Library Management System which will benefit the following: Librarian/Staff, the librarian handles the monitoring of information in the library. It will lessen the time, enhance the level of work, help its processes more reliable and efficient, and provide accuracy and security of data information. Students, students can borrow and return books in the library. It will make the process of borrowing and returning books easier. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDY This chapter presents the related literature and studies, local and foreign, that gives bearing to the present study. Local Literature According to Malnig (1991), online research began more than 25 years ago with convoluted and cumbersome searches through Dialog. Operational long before the common place use of the internet, the EarMest Dialog system was completed in 1996. It was world’s first online information retrieval system to be used globally with materially significant databases and for the use in libraries. However, it was said that it has a more technical interface than the newer versions on online libraries, and the manual library system. Biggs and Biggs (1987) conducted a survey of the heads of academic library reference services to examine the collection development for the study titled â€Å"Reference Collection Development in Academic Libraries: Report of a Survey†. It was found that selection and weeding were not guided by any written policy and studies of use of collection were missing. Authors concluded that online sources were important factors in selection. Harloe and Budd (1994) in â€Å"Collection Development and Scholary Communication in the Era of Electronic Access† examined the relationship between collection development and system of scholarly communication in academic library. They discussed on ownership verses access to information and presented strategies for collection development in electronic networked system. Sridhar (1995) wrote an article named â€Å"Problems of Collection Development in Special Libraries†. He explored the various factors affecting collection development in special libraries and highlighted the significance of collection development policy manual. Author pointed out the various problems related to document selection and procurement. Andrade and Vergueiro (1996) also wrote an article under title â€Å"Collection Development in Academic Libraries: A Brazilian Library’s Experience†. The article is based on the collection development practices of a Brazilian academic library. Authors outlined the different models of collection development given by professionals. Haider (1996) in his paper â€Å"Acquisition and Collection Development in Pakistan† analyzed the constraints faced by Pakistani libraries in the procurement of books from abroad. Lack of proper management, absence of competent personnel, non-existence of acquisition policy statements, non-existence of selection aids, ever shrinking library budgets, fluctuating rate of the rupee, inflation, import policy, trade embargoes against some countries, fiscal policy etc. were the major hurdles found. Foreign Literature According to Britannica Online (2010), the word library derives from Latin â€Å"Liber†, which means â€Å"The Book†. The origin of libraries dates back around 3rd century B. C in Babylonia, where keep written records which has been part of their history. The first libraries as a collection of books were evidenced in Greek temples and those established in conjunction with Greek schools and philosophy in 4th century B. C modern libraries usually contain periodicals, microfilms, tapes, videos, compact discs, and other materials in addition to books. Dewey (1992), as cited by Pasilan (2000) defines in integrated library system as the one that bring together numerous library task into one system. It allows the library to have a direct on its automation with a great efficiency. It also allows the user to use the library data for the acquisition, cataloging and circulation of library collections. Hoffer, Prescott and McFadden (2002) defines a database as an organized collection of related data. They also defined data as known facts that are recorded and stored on a computer system are structured to be easily stored, manipulated, queried and retrieved by data users. Thornton (2000) â€Å"Impact of Electronic Resources on Collection Development, the Roles of Librarians, and Library Consortia†. Study was conducted to find the impact of electronic resources and the Internet on collection development and discuss the changing role of librarians, library co-operation and collection development. It had been concluded that consortia will become more important sources in electronic information world. Pandita (2004) in her paper â€Å"Collection Development in the Digital Era† examined the impact of electronic format on the collection development. She pointed out that the policy of content development needs to be worked out and re-designed. Mandal and Panda (2005) in their research paper titled â€Å"Collection Development in the Internet Age and the Need for a Consortium in the Engineering College Libraries in West Bengal: A Study† discussed the different dimensions of collection development. The existing state of library collection and infrastructural facilities of 17 engineering college libraries in West Bengal were examined. Author suggested the staff training, provision of adequate staff and funds, appropriate infrastructure in IT and a need based collection. Mulla and Chandrashekara (2006) â€Å"E-Resources and Services in Engineering College Libraries – A Case Study†. Study was conducted to examine the efforts made by the engineering college libraries in Karnataka to build electronic resources. Results of the study revealed that collection and service infrastructure of the libraries in sampled regions were not up to the mark and libraries were struggling to build digital collection and in disseminating digital information due to lack of ICT infrastructure, IT trained manpower and paucity of finances, etc. Adekanmbi and Boadi (2008) in study titled, â€Å"Problems of Developing Library Collections: A Study of Colleges of Education Libraries in Botswana† ascertained the availability and use of collection development policies in the college of education libraries, in Botswana. In addition to using questionnaires, interviews were conducted to gather information from senior librarians, deputy principals of colleges and board of the affiliated institutions of the University of Botswana. Study brought to notice that majority of the libraries did not have collection development policies. Lack of constant training for librarians, inadequate staff, lack of support from administration and unavailability of collection development policies were some of the major problems found. It was further found that majority of the libraries did not involve their users in formulation of policies and did not implement these for collection development. Study revealed the need to train librarians on collection development. Mary and Sankar (2008) â€Å"Collection Evaluation of PSN College of Engineering and Technology Library and PET Engineering College Library in Tirunelveli District†. Authors described the various techniques of evaluating the document collection in academic libraries and evaluated the collection development practices of two engineering colleges. Sharma et al. (2008) evaluated the collection development in libraries of 38 engineering colleges of Orissa under title â€Å"Collection Management of Engineering College Libraries of Orissa: An Evaluative Study†. Information was collected from libraries using questionnaires. Study concluded that  growing dissatisfaction of the users arising from non-availability of needed documents and lack of provision of services could be boiled down to some extent, by rendering at least CAS or current contents or information about latest addition to users. Mallaiah and Gowda (2009) in paper â€Å"Collection Development in Mangalore University Library: A User Study† discussed the usefulness of collection development in a university library and attempted to find whether the UGC-INFONET E-journals were meeting the users information needs. Local Study The developments in information environments implies that new collection development policies need to be revised from time to time to ensure access to a wider range of e-documents and e-databases. These policies should give more emphasis on licensing agreements, copyrights, intellectual access, the mode of payment, subscription costs and archiving. A number of attempts have been made by the university libraries and academic institutions to develop collection development policies. Suzanne D Gyesley (2001) reported that the escalating price and rapid growth in electronic journal databases along with traditional print subscriptions and monographs forced library administrators and collection development librarians to make decisions between printed products or electronic formats in the new millennium. A separate study was conducted at A&M University libraries, Texas, USA in the disciplines of political science and economics to compare the annual subscription prices and percentage increase of 203 core printed journals with their electronic counterparts during 1998-2000 academic years. The electronic use statistics were examined for the expensive serials based on the number of hits by the users. Based on this study he reported that libraries were forced to pay for dual subscriptions both for paper and in electronic form. It also revealed that faculty and students were satisfied with the use of e-journals. It also indicated a trend that libraries would switch to electronic format if the price of electronic journals dropped. Considering the question of what the present collection of libraries mean to the user in the current information environment. Collection analysis techniques educate and support the new library staff about collection and provide better data to determine collection development priorities for budget planning. It helps librarians to assist their patron’s search for information. The collection was evaluated using online analysis tools. Topics covered are about the importance of e-book collections, faculty participation in the selection for more balanced and comprehensive collection management plan. Their article lists out the benefits of conducting collection analysis. It revealed that collection analysis has a positive impact on collection development and management. Findings inferred from this study suggest that access to the collection were improved and some problems encountered with a particular collection were identified. Foreign Study Mukherjee (1965) carried out a study titled, â€Å"Library Facilities in Training Colleges of India† to assess the prevalent position of 50 teacher training college libraries. Questionnaire was used as data collection tool. Study revealed that majority of libraries did not have sufficient space for proper functioning. Some of teacher training colleges did not have their own libraries. Staff and students depended on the university libraries to which education section was attached. Naidu (1981) in his research paper, â€Å"College Libraries in Andhra Pradesh: With Special Reference to Andhra University† attempted to find the causes leading to unhappy situation of libraries. Author disclosed the gloomy picture of college libraries and suggested to lay down some norms and standards for college libraries by inspection commission of each university. He further suggested that at least 6% of the college budget should be spent on library. Author emphasized the need to give initiation to users in the beginning of each academic year. In an article titled â€Å"A Survey of College Libraries in West Godavari District† Raju (1984) explored the prevailing position of libraries of 18 colleges affiliated to Andhra University, Waltair. Various facets of libraries i. e. library staff, building, collection, book banks, budget and technical services, etc have been examined. Financial sources were found inadequate. DDC and AACR-I were popular among libraries. Survey revealed the immediate need to improve the services to meet information needs of students, teachers and research scholars. Kumbar (1986) took up a study named â€Å"College Libraries under ulbarga University Area: A Survey. † He assessed the existing situation and status of 54 colleges libraries. Besides using questionnaires, interviews were also conducted to collect data. Only one librarian possessed master’s degree in Library Science. Survey represented a disappointing picture of libraries as only 12 libraries had their own buildings. Libraries were spending more funds on books and comparatively less on periodicals. Library services were not found satisfactory. It was found that more than 50% libraries brought out annual reports. Jasmer Singh (1990) carried out research for doctorate degree on the topic â€Å"College Libraries in Punjab: A Statistical Analysis of the Problems† He conducted a survey to find the problems being faced by college libraries of Punjab and Chandigarh and also attempted to study the use of libraries. He covered 210 colleges under study, including five colleges of education also. Questionnaire-I was used to know about the prevalent position of libraries and problems being faced by librarians in managing these. Two separate questionnaires were used to know the opinions of students and teachers about their respective libraries. Bajpai (1995) in research paper â€Å"Evaluation of College Library Services in Delhi† assessed the services of college libraries in Delhi and identified their problems. He brought forward that librarians often found it difficult to deal with teaching and non-teaching staff members regarding return of books. For this, library rules existed only on paper and were not being implemented properly. Chopra (1995) revealed the problems being faced by college libraries of Punjab in his article titled â€Å"College Libraries in Punjab: Some Problems Re-Considered†. Article is based on the personal observations of the author. He grouped these problems into three parts i. e. problems related to the management of colleges, problems concerned with principals of colleges and finally those related to library staff. Shortage of staff, inadequate funds, physical facilities, circulation of books, stock verifications and library hours etc. were the facets discussed in paper. Martin (1976) in his article â€Å"User Studies and Library Planning† discussed the user studies and appraised their role in library planning. Author provided various guidelines for conducting user studies and concluded that user data strengthens the planning and decision-making processes at several levels, so the responses of users should be an integral part of the ongoing practice of librarians, providing constant feedback. Coker (1993) has written a useful article titled â€Å"Libraries Verses Users? How and How Not to Deter Library Users†. Author examined the various factors influencing the  attitude of users towards libraries and also took into consideration the socioeconomic, technological, physical/technical and psychological/ emotional conditions shaping up the perceptions of non users, inhibit users and potential users. Wildemuth (2003) in article titled â€Å"Why Conduct User Studies? The Role of Empirical Evidence in Improving the Practice of Librarianship† emphasized that by gathering evidences about library users, their interactions with library services and materials and context in which those materials and services are used, librarians can make sound decisions for the future. Author discussed on the methodology for conducting user studies and utilization of results as basis for decision making. Carr (2006) â€Å"What Users Want: An Academic ‘Hybrid’ Library Perspective†. Author described the development of user centered approach in academic libraries over the recent decades. He wrote that largely unquestioned ‘user get what we give them’ attitude was being transformed into ‘what do users want? ’ approach. The failure to take what users want into account would leave academic library high and dry in the desert of lost opportunities. Definition of Terms Used in the Case Study. 1. Library – is derived from the old French â€Å"libraries† which means â€Å"a collection of book†. 2. Librarian – the person who is in charged in the library. 3. Computer – is composed of the hardware, software and people. 4. Book – reading material. 5. Staff – the assistant of the librarian. CHAPTER 3 THE EXISTING SYSTEM The diagrams below represent the flow of the existing system of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System. It shows also the Equipments and Software used. Context Level Data Flow Diagram of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System. Diagram 0 – Next Level of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System Level 1Diagram Showing the Decomposition of Process 2. 0 from the Level 0 Diagram Status AvailableBook Book Information Details of Books Student Receipt Equipment Currently Used, Specifications, and Cost The table below shows the Equipment and Currently Used, Specifications, and Cost of the Existing System. OFFICE SUPPLIES QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Ball pen / pencil 15 10. 00 150. 00 Log Book 2 54. 75 109. 50 Paper Pack 5 75. 00 375. 00 Envelope 26 4. 25 110. 50 Stapler 1 85. 25 85. 25 Total: 830. 25 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT. COST VALUE TOTAL Computer Package 26,975. 00 1 26,975. 00 Filling Cabinet 1,568. 00 1 1,568. 00 Electric Fan 800. 00 4 3200. 00 Chairs 280. 00 48 13,440. 00 Tables 850. 00 8 6,500. 00 Total: 51,683. 00 Software Currently Used and Cost The table below shows the Software Currently Used and Cost. SOFTWARE COST TOTAL Windows 7 1000. 00 1000. 00 Microsoft Office 2000. 00 2000. 00 Total: 3000. 00 CHAPTER 4 THE PROPOSED SYSTEM Methods of Research Used The proponents used RAD method by planning the requirements for the system and meet to assign the own task of the members of the proponents. The proponents give a date for deadline where the proponents will meet for the easier and fast way, the proponents talk through internet to compile their assigned task and finished the system. Data Gathering Instruments Interview is defined as a meeting to people face to face to cinfer about something or an act of a questioning to receive a desired answer that is necessary in solving a specific problem. Interview benefits the researches in the sense that this will be used in gathering facts. The interviews will be conducted on the July 12, 2014 and to that respondent who uses the system directly. The diagrams below represent the flow of the proposed system of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System. Level 1 Context Level Data Flow Diagram of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System Level 1 Diagram 0 – Next Level of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System Level 1 Diagram Showing Decomposition of Process 1. 0 from the Level 1 Diagram 0 Program Flowchart Equipment Currently Used, Specifications, and Cost The table below shows the Equipment and Currently Used, Specifications, and Cost of the Existing System. OFFICE SUPPLIES QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Ball pen / pencil 15 10. 00 150. 00 Log Book 2 54. 75 109. 50 Paper Pack 5 75. 00 375. 00 Envelope 26 4. 25 110. 50 Stapler 1 85. 25 85. 25 Total: 830. 25 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT COST VALUE TOTAL Computer Package 26,975. 00 1 26,975. 00 Filling Cabinet 1,568. 00 1 1,568. 00 Total: 28,543. 00 Software Currently Used and Cost The table below shows the Software Currently Used and Cost. SOFTWARE COST TOTAL Windows 7 1000. 00 1000. 00 Microsoft Office 2000. 00 2000. 00 Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express 1000. 00 1000. 00 Total: 4000. 00.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The English Patient

Max Cembalest SYA English, 6th Period March 7th, 2013 The Villa is Alive, But the Sand is Forever Barren. Lifeless. Considered one of the most hostile environments on the planet, the Sahara Desert takes away all meaning and identity and covers it with sand. Amalsy, the so-called English Patient and one of the central characters of our story, thrusts himself into this empty land to dispose of the idea of nations. In this way the desert is an escape; a common void for those who wish to cede into the past rather than survive in the present. Lush. Alive.Arguably the nation with the richest history in the world, the Italian countryside encompasses a feeling of togetherness that brings our four main characters together. The villa they live in recovering from the atrocities of world war two not only gives them space to heal, but also itself exhibits the characteristics of healing through nature. In this way the villa exists among our four protagonists, and is one of the fragmented victims o f war along with them. Michael Ondaatje, author of our novel The English Patient, focuses most of our front story in the Italian villa.Holes line the inner and outer walls, creating voids in the frescoes of outdoor landscapes. At first glance, war has reduced it to a fraction of its former grace and beauty. â€Å"The Villa San Girolamo, built to protect inhabitants from the flesh of the devil, had the look of a besieged fortress, the limbs of most of the statues blown off during the first days of shelling. † But as is a representative of a war victim healing with time, we see how nature slowly replaces the man made structures, eventually causing the villa to fade into the land. There seemed little demarcation between house and landscape, between damaged building and the burned and shelled remnants of the earth. To Hana the wild gardens were further rooms†¦ In spite of the burned earth, in spite of the lack of water. someday there would be a bower of limes, rooms of green light,† (p. 45). Ondaatje uses this beautiful image of a broken, fragmented house being consumed and reborn anew to show the process of healing from war. The villa represents the hope Hana sees in the future; that even though everything is here life is burned, broken, and dead, someday she will recover just as the villa has.Then there is the desert. Despite being just across the Mediterranean, the Sahara Desert could not be more of a different environment then the countryside surrounding the Italian villa. It is arid, harsh, unforgiving. But even with the physical difference between the desert and Italy, the greater contrast lies in the history of each place. Italy, for thousands of years, has been owned and claimed over and over, by the Estrucans, Greeks, Romans, Barbarians, and Italians. But the desert belongs to no one, no single nation.All boundaries, all sense of difference between people that exists solely because of nations get swept away by oceans of sand. It is this aspect of the desert that draws Amalsy in. As he narrates to Hana, he says, â€Å"The desert could not be claimed or owned—it was a piece of cloth carried by winds, never held down by stones, and given a hundred shifting names before Canterbury existed, long before battles and treaties quilted Europe and the East†¦. All of us, even those with European homes and children in the distance, wished to remove the clothing of our countries.It was a place of faith. We disappeared into landscape,† (p. 147-148). Amalsy praises the desert for being sovereign, just as he himself strives to remain neutral and uninvolved during the chaos of World War II. The desert endures for centuries unharmed by human squabbling, since it is never contained or ‘held down by stones’. Amalsy flees to the desert to escape the ruthlessness of reality and to connect with the past contained in his books. Instead of a place of healing, for Amalsy the desert is a denial of the real worl d entirely.He is able to purge himself of his past life and leap into a new world in which the past and the present are no different. He steps in the same sand, traverses the same dune, embraces the very same realm that Herodotus so admired. In this environment, Amalsy and the other explorers can deny the war and remove the notion that one’s nation has any significance. The desert is stagnant. Any and all attempts to claim ownership are swiftly swept aside. The endurance represents the foolishness of war, how nothing that happens between nations has any meaning there. But Italy is change. It is life, death, and then rebirth.Italy is hugely affected by the war, but we see the recovery of its wounds and hope for the future. Each of these settings in The English Patient is a way for Ondaatje to communicate to us the drastic toll of war on our characters and the different way each person handles themselves. Hana remains in the thick of the war and is shattered by grief, but come the end of the novel we see the beginning of recovery and the hope for a happier life. Amalsy, however, escapes entirely in the hopes of avoiding the war and the pointless differences among nations. Even up to his death his mind is still among the sand. The English Patient Max Cembalest SYA English, 6th Period March 7th, 2013 The Villa is Alive, But the Sand is Forever Barren. Lifeless. Considered one of the most hostile environments on the planet, the Sahara Desert takes away all meaning and identity and covers it with sand. Amalsy, the so-called English Patient and one of the central characters of our story, thrusts himself into this empty land to dispose of the idea of nations. In this way the desert is an escape; a common void for those who wish to cede into the past rather than survive in the present. Lush. Alive.Arguably the nation with the richest history in the world, the Italian countryside encompasses a feeling of togetherness that brings our four main characters together. The villa they live in recovering from the atrocities of world war two not only gives them space to heal, but also itself exhibits the characteristics of healing through nature. In this way the villa exists among our four protagonists, and is one of the fragmented victims o f war along with them. Michael Ondaatje, author of our novel The English Patient, focuses most of our front story in the Italian villa.Holes line the inner and outer walls, creating voids in the frescoes of outdoor landscapes. At first glance, war has reduced it to a fraction of its former grace and beauty. â€Å"The Villa San Girolamo, built to protect inhabitants from the flesh of the devil, had the look of a besieged fortress, the limbs of most of the statues blown off during the first days of shelling. † But as is a representative of a war victim healing with time, we see how nature slowly replaces the man made structures, eventually causing the villa to fade into the land. There seemed little demarcation between house and landscape, between damaged building and the burned and shelled remnants of the earth. To Hana the wild gardens were further rooms†¦ In spite of the burned earth, in spite of the lack of water. someday there would be a bower of limes, rooms of green light,† (p. 45). Ondaatje uses this beautiful image of a broken, fragmented house being consumed and reborn anew to show the process of healing from war. The villa represents the hope Hana sees in the future; that even though everything is here life is burned, broken, and dead, someday she will recover just as the villa has.Then there is the desert. Despite being just across the Mediterranean, the Sahara Desert could not be more of a different environment then the countryside surrounding the Italian villa. It is arid, harsh, unforgiving. But even with the physical difference between the desert and Italy, the greater contrast lies in the history of each place. Italy, for thousands of years, has been owned and claimed over and over, by the Estrucans, Greeks, Romans, Barbarians, and Italians. But the desert belongs to no one, no single nation.All boundaries, all sense of difference between people that exists solely because of nations get swept away by oceans of sand. It is this aspect of the desert that draws Amalsy in. As he narrates to Hana, he says, â€Å"The desert could not be claimed or owned—it was a piece of cloth carried by winds, never held down by stones, and given a hundred shifting names before Canterbury existed, long before battles and treaties quilted Europe and the East†¦. All of us, even those with European homes and children in the distance, wished to remove the clothing of our countries.It was a place of faith. We disappeared into landscape,† (p. 147-148). Amalsy praises the desert for being sovereign, just as he himself strives to remain neutral and uninvolved during the chaos of World War II. The desert endures for centuries unharmed by human squabbling, since it is never contained or ‘held down by stones’. Amalsy flees to the desert to escape the ruthlessness of reality and to connect with the past contained in his books. Instead of a place of healing, for Amalsy the desert is a denial of the real worl d entirely.He is able to purge himself of his past life and leap into a new world in which the past and the present are no different. He steps in the same sand, traverses the same dune, embraces the very same realm that Herodotus so admired. In this environment, Amalsy and the other explorers can deny the war and remove the notion that one’s nation has any significance. The desert is stagnant. Any and all attempts to claim ownership are swiftly swept aside. The endurance represents the foolishness of war, how nothing that happens between nations has any meaning there. But Italy is change. It is life, death, and then rebirth.Italy is hugely affected by the war, but we see the recovery of its wounds and hope for the future. Each of these settings in The English Patient is a way for Ondaatje to communicate to us the drastic toll of war on our characters and the different way each person handles themselves. Hana remains in the thick of the war and is shattered by grief, but come the end of the novel we see the beginning of recovery and the hope for a happier life. Amalsy, however, escapes entirely in the hopes of avoiding the war and the pointless differences among nations. Even up to his death his mind is still among the sand.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Going for the Look Essay

Going for the Look Times continue to change and today people tend to judge a person on how they look. Companies are becoming more competitive and are looking for ways to attract customers. More retailers and companies are using the approach to hire based on appearance rather than work capability. Hiring should be based on work ethic, rather than appearance which can be discriminating. Companies all over the United States are denying people employment based on their physical appearance. In the United States people are told that everyone is given equal opportunity; which is untrue because there are people being denied employment due to how they are dressed, piercings or tattoos they have, and even weight. It is not our choice to decide what we look like. We do not decide to be tall, short, have small or big eyes, or what skin we are. People should not base hiring on physical appearance. Most retailers are now looking to hire people that look like models, characteristics being tall, slim, pretty face, & y oung. Retailers such as Abercrombie & Fitch, whose approach is to have an attractive sales force. Being a customer of Abercrombie, I have not seen an employee at Abercrombie being overweight. There employees look like beach models walking around the store. According to Mr. Serrano a former manager assistant at Abercrombie employees are told to approach and offer a job to someone who fits their store look. If someone walked into their store and they have a pretty face; employees are supposed to approach them and offer them a job even if they don’t have any retail experience. I believe that is wrong because if an older lady with retail experience were to apply for a job at Abercrombie she wouldn’t be the one hired. Statistics show that people who look better get paid more. More and more companies are using the approach to hire on appearance because they believe it attracts more customers. So many people are unemployed and looking for a job, yet retailers decide to hire on looks rather than work ethic. It’s understandable for a modeling agency to hire on appearance and looks, but a retail store like Abercrombie should not have that hiring strategy. How are older people supposed to have hope of being hired and retail stores when retailers are looking to hire young attractive people. Not everyone is born to be beautiful. Some people have better features than others. People should not be compared. Humans should be given equal employment opportunities and not be judged on how they look. AÂ  person can be beautiful on the outside and yet have an ugly personality. What is the point on hiring a pretty looking person when they can have bad customer service. I personally believe that a person should not be judged based on looks. Hiring based on physical appearance is discriminating and should stop. People around the United States are not having an equal employment opportunity. Hiring is not being based on job qualifications it is now being based on appearance. People deserve to be hired based work ethic. It is important for retailers and companies to realize everyone deserves an equal opportunity no matter how a person looks.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Nursing Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nursing Education - Essay Example Further it will seek to discuss the current system of nursing education, post graduate (masters) education and reflections on nursing education in Kenya and Ireland. Nursing in Kenya before 1950s was being operated by individuals who had no structure that was convectional; this was based on the fact that poverty level was high. As the result of the poverty level, it was impossible to train and equip nurses with the required nursing practices. The fact that nursing lacked convectional structure meant that government support was not offered and thus nobody could stand and call for national strike which would pressure the government to support nursing organizations (Chinn, 1994 p 30). The well wishers from the United Kingdom provided running support and thus pressure mounted and effort to have legislation on nursing started. It was in 1983 when the first documented legislation Nurses Act Cap 257 was passed by all the nurses’ council of Kenya so that their right and demand could be aired in a manner that was respectable. In 1980s, Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse (KRCHN) was registered and the aim was to train the nurses so as to provide comprehensive care to the entire communities who were supposed to be served. In 1990s diseases which were complex like cancer, HIV/AIDS among others started to emanate. This made cap257 to be emphasized on to make sure that nurses were equipped and effectively trained. In Ireland, the political and legislative act dates back in 1900 where nursing was developed earlier due to the government and other stakeholders support. The first legislation in Ireland was passed in 1919 while in Kenya it was passed in 1950s which was termed as Nurses Registration Act which was later known as Nursing Council for Ireland (Kelly and Joel, 1996 p 97). The act ensured that practices and other high professional competence in nursing were

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Seeing Stars by Janet Staiger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Seeing Stars by Janet Staiger - Essay Example Stars can be considered as a commodity tool as they represent an extremely successful form of investment. They can also be perceived according to the literal meaning of the word "star"; the character played by a given star forms with the real character of the same star a surreal versus real paradox leading inevitably to an association between the in-text and the in-real-life images of the same star. The third main approach of stardom holds a psychological dimension as it regards the spectatorship, the reasons why stars are often objects of desire have been subject to many analysis, some attribute it to charisma, some to "heavenly bodies", .. etc. For a fuller vision of the evolution of the conception of stars, a flashback on the history of cinema has to be done. Various developments in Europe and the United states led to the invention of moving image technology forming the origin of the movie creation. However, it was only in the 1890's that films were used as an entertainment medium, it was then when this technologic invention transformed into a business. In the nineteenth century, many political and social elements influenced the evolution of film industry. The art of Cinema tended to transform into a capitalist enterprise indeed. In fact, Janet Staiger, in her definition of the system of movie production, supports a Marxist point of view. She tends to consider the latter system as a sub-system initially controlled by patterns of organization of labor, such as script writers, camera men and women, prop makers in combination with two major factors, technology and capital. In the first decade of the twentieth century, Americ an movie companies withheld the name of film performers fearing that the public recognition would lead these "stars" to ask for higher salaries. In this dissertation, studying the Motion Picture Patents Company is to be used as a proof of the prominence of the role of stars in the evolution of the movie industry. The Motion Picture Patents Company In 1908, two companies, Edison and Biograph, attempted to monopolize the film industry through the key patents they held in camera and projection technology by forming the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC). The company played the role of a "patent tool" that issued licenses for fee to firms. However, the biggest income source for the MPC didn't have licensing as its main source, it was priory based on the Nickelodeon, their most important exhibition outlet. Technically, what marked the MPPC movies most was the notion of voyeurism, "the look of the peeping tom, able to see without being seen. Early Cinema very frequently represents the female, dissected by the close up into a fetishised object of the male look" (Nelmes, 2003 : 99). The capital event that marked the end of this era is the start of the "star system" (1920), one of Hollywood's established features. As Janet Staiger clarifies in "Seeing stars", the origin of its creation remains a subject of discussion. Some say that it started in 1910 when Carl Laemmle, the owner of the Independent Motion Picture (IMP) production company, promoted the arrival of a female star, Lawrence, to his company by publicly exposing her name in a newspaper. That came as an opposed reaction to the MMPC which refused to publish stars' number fearing that their public recognitio

Discuss about the perils and promise of pluralism in America Essay

Discuss about the perils and promise of pluralism in America - Essay Example In such a plural state as America is, every individual have the right to choose â€Å"what part of the multiplicity he wants to have or to belong to† (Johansson and Lynoe, 2008, p.245). In such a circumstance the stability of society depends on a ‘power balance’ (Johansson and Lynoe, 2008, p.245). Although this pluralism tries to ensure the greatest good, it is not a totalitarian principle and it has certain negative effects for individual and for society at large. The first effect of pluralism is that it gives rise to deferent interest groups in the politics. As America is probably the largest democracy in the world, the pluralistic view poses the question of whether having various interest groups is good for creating a policy. One of the major challenges that have arisen in the wake of this century is ensuring the national security from terrorist attack. America’s democracy promotion policy in the Muslim countries has been resisted by the Muslim Americans. Even a lack of clear definition of democracy allowed the Muslim Americans to question the basic presumption of democracy. The Judeo Christian tradition of America made it possible to create a society based on the shared values of catholic, protestant and Jewish religion. It was possible because certain denominations of the values of these religions were supported by the American life style. The 1965 Immigration Act was pivotal in creating a congregating identity of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs. With the widening of democracy, these culturally diverse groups have been able to lobby the administration and influence the social and cultural life of America. Within the diversity, there are cultural groups who feel marginalized and it is due to the tension between cultural groups who are struggling to monitor the values and institution for desired reformation (Machacek: 2003, p.1) Cultural pluralism in America tends to denigrate certain social groups in regards to language,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The evolution of the wireless phone network Research Paper

The evolution of the wireless phone network - Research Paper Example Not shockingly, a number of the industries, which are being drastically revolutionized, are those that cope with the human senses, comprising of entertainment, education, advertising, health care and, sadly, warfare. Simply put, technology or telecommunication has changed people’s way, as well as the pace of life (Lee, 2001). Below follows a brief discussion of how inventions in wireless phone network has changed communication. Changes to How We Communicate Instant Messaging (IM) Instant messaging (IM) refers to a form of communication over the Internet, which provides an instantaneous transmission of text messages from a sender to a receiver (Webb, 2008). In push technique between two or more individuals using personal computers or mobile phones, along with internet service providers, instant messaging mainly offers real-time and express written language-based online messaging. Instant messaging has changed the way humans communicate as the technology sends information extrem ely fast (Schiller, 2003). No sooner does the sender send the message than the receiver, receives it. Instant messaging also offers instant relies to messaging creating efficiency in communication (Richard & Smith, 2006). SMS Short Message Service (SMS) refers to a text messaging service with regards to mobile phones or the web. SMSs use standardized communications protocols, which offer the exchange of short text messages between mobile phone devices or fixed lines (Lee, 2001). According to research, SMSs are the most broadly used data application in the globe, with 78% of all mobile phone users or 3.6 billion active subscribers. Also, SMS is being used as a form of direct marketing referred to as SMS marketing. It has fastened the way people communicate through their mobile phones, and also at a relatively cheap cost (Richard & Smith, 2006). Twitter and Facebook Social network sites have substantially changed the way human beings relate, as well as communicate, with one another (R ichard & Smith, 2006). Facebook and Twitter have allowed individuals throughout the globe to be part of one society and be capable of communicating through diverse forms. One way to communicate on Facebook and Twitter is by adding another person (Prasad & Ruggieri, 2007). Once an individual adds another, they both become friends, and this forms new friendships. These days, numerous friendships are created through Facebook and Twitter, and they allow people to communicate constantly. Telecommuting Telecommuting or telework refers to a working arrangement in which workers do not travel to a central place of work. An individual who telecommutes is referred to as a teleworker, telecommuter, or, at times, as a home-sourced worker. A lot of teleworkers work from home whereas others sometimes referred to as nomad employees, use mobile telecommunications skills to work from restaurants or other diverse locations (Lee, 2001). According to a Reuter’s survey, roughly one in five workers all across the globe, particularly workers in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia, telecommute habitually. Also, nearly 10% of all workers work at home in the above mentioned places. For communities, telecommuting offers cheap employment through enhancing the employability of circumstantially marginalized persons like work at home parents and the disabled, caregivers, retirees and people living in rural areas. Telecommuting eases traffic congestion and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Property and violent crime; a comparison of a8 migrants with uk Essay

Property and violent crime; a comparison of a8 migrants with uk citizens.investigate crime rates - Essay Example What if these facilities could miss out in a hall those students stays in what could happen? If such a scenario occurs, the students will therefore quit to be in that environment and look for a better place off campus where needs would be catered for. Westminster business school students have been raising opinions on the students living halls and comparing it to the private accommodation in central London. Tabling some of the opinions, advantages and disadvantages of the two students residing places came up in conjunction to the timing references and motivation factors. Therefore, in order to analyze their opinions they give on the advantages of living in both private and campus halls they came up with these: The students also enjoy the school facilities and are in an environment suitable for their studies with fewer distractions ("Why live in the residence halls? :: Residence Life and Student Housing | The University of New Mexico," n.d.). However, despite of the gainful advantages that the students encounter in these premises, there are also disadvantages that come along with them. For this instance, comparison of both private and university halls opinions give in to the presentation. In private apartments, not all are students and so it comes with greater responsibility of taking of one’s duties and bills and considering other people in the same place thus, lots of noise is minimal and other quire college behavior. In this instance, the private hall students are able to take responsibility at their own, which reflects in their future unlike students in university halls. Most of private apartments are costly hence students may share the rooms which comes with a sober decision making of who your friends are, and again these private goes all year round that means during summer break the student will need to pay for them. Transportation is also a student’s responsibility especially where it is not available it may get to some

Monday, September 23, 2019

Ballet d'action by Matthew Bourne and Mats Ek Essay

Ballet d'action by Matthew Bourne and Mats Ek - Essay Example In his book, Lettes sur la danse, et sur les ballets (Letters on Dancing and Ballets), Noverre underlines the importance of expressions rather than techniques and masks as these were the skills which showed the purpose of the ballet. During those days, ballets were based on ancient Greek myths and dramas. But these were becoming obsolete and romance was replacing myths as topics of interest. The realities of life were harsh and there was no better way to escape them than entertainment which dwelt on romantic plots to uplift drooping spirits. (Ballet History)1. According to Alistair Macaulay, under whose tutelage Bourne graduated in dance, Bourne was endowed "with a particular choreographic talent". Bourne had a love for theater, film and musicals since childhood. But he began taking his dance lessons only when he was 22. Even while he was still learning, Macaulay did not lose sight of Bourne's special abilities. In the second and third years of his graduation, he was particularly watched by Macaulay who observed the special methodology Bourne was using. "In one piece, it was a special step. In another, it was his nonstop flow of changing dance ideas. In a third, it was his dance rhythm." In each case, Bourne was taken aside by his tutor and told that he was showing something rare (The San Francisco Chronicle)2. Mats Ek, like Bourne, enjoys the legacy of his forerunners of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. And as a bonus, Ek is doing wonders with the additional benefits of modern inventions and technology. These are times when it is possible to animate non-living objects like the washing machines, refrigerator, television, doorposts, and so on, and vice versa. By this, I don't mean to demean the achievements and facilities available to our grand forefathers. The very fact that they had the foresight to leave an imprint of what they considered vital to perfect art is an achievement. Noverre did not live to enjoy the full fruit of his labor, but he left it with impeccable selflessness for his followers. He exhibited remarkable zeal and faith in etching a living pattern in his sphere of art which he saw from a distance his followers were bound to pick up. The world, particularly, Europe in Noverre's time was not what that continent is now. The centuries of Noverre's time was experiencing a litmus test, historically, politically and scientifically. Strong undercurrents of unrest in France, coupled with wars between France and England, and the bloody competition between France, England, Portugal and Holland for political and economic gains in Asia, Africa and America, kept the world on its toes, with Europe serving as the epicenter of these unrests. A look back at History Jean Georges Noverre, the Shakespeare of ballet, doggedly struggled to infuse expressiveness in dance. He did not like the way dances were being aimlessly performed. He wanted the ballet to be imitative of life. And for this he thought it necessary to supplement movements with appropriate

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Lord of the Flies - Visual appeal versus intense description Essay Example for Free

Lord of the Flies Visual appeal versus intense description Essay Both the Lord of the Flies novel and the 1963 Peter Brook film were amazing pieces of prose. Both mediums truly depicted the theme that savagery exists in everyone if one was given the chance to show it. Throughout both mediums the civilized boys that landed on the island paradise slowly became uncivilized and barbaric since they were not under the strict power and rule of their elders. They blamed their savagery on a pretend fearsome creature, when the evil that was contained within them was brought on by themselves. The movie left a stronger impression than the novel due to the fact that its story line was far more obvious and overblown. Both mediums were extremely alike with some minor exceptions. The 1963 Peter Brook film was more effective than the novel. This was so because it gave a visual depiction of what was actually being portrayed. Due to its obvious structure it gave an expected and intended result. In both mediums the plot was that small boys crash into a tropical island. In the beginning they are all ecstatic that they are without rules and restrictions on this tropical island. From their on the problem was their struggle against the brutal forms of savagery which possesses the quality of evil. They all slowly become uncivilized and barbaric causing chaos and tumult among the island. The movie vividly showed the tropical island they lived upon and portrays the layout of the island; which was shown often in a confusing way throughout the novel. The turning of events and the outcome of the whole story was far more understandable in the film. The setting was during WW2. The boys were from England. England at this time was very conservative and civilized. Upon arrival the boys showed this civilization through their behavior, attire, and thinking. Although explained in the novel the movie showed this to its viewers in a visual and far more interesting viewing. Rogers arm was conditioned by a civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins.- This quote from the book conveys an underlying meaning that Roger was not able to throw stones directly at Henry because he was taught that is was bad from his elders. The film showed the attachment of civilization to the boys in a more outright manner. The character development of the characters was yet another factor that the film showed more effectively. In the film characters were shown better through their expressions and body language. The book did also convey this but not as vividly. The protagonist Ralph changed immensely. He was a regular joe and tried to keep the boys focused on domestic order and the rules of civilization. Were going to have fun on this island! So dont try it on or else. This was said by Ralph at the beginning when he had the power of chiefdom. In a short time this idea had diminished and his 12 year old mindset changed into an adult mindset with responsibility and structure. Piggy, the intellectual who lacked physical stamina also held on to civilization and was killed by Jacks tribe. Jack Merridew was a dramatic character. He went from a civilized choir leader to an uncivilized hunter and savage who was responsible for much of the savagery that overtook the boys. Simon was the visionary of the group and was killed before he could tell everyone the true nature of the beast that they all feared. He was an artistic and sensible mystic and remained civilized throughout the story. The symbols of the story were conveyed better in the movie because they were not shown in an underlying and subtle way like in the novel but were conveyed very outright and in an obvious form. The main symbols were the fire, which represented means of rescue, hope, and civilization; Piggys glasses which represented civilization and intelligence; and the conch which represented authority and civil debate. All of these symbols were treasured by Ralph and Piggy because they all had means of civilization which they wanted. The film outright displayed in a visual appearance what was going on. Nothing was hidden or subtle like in the novel that Golding created. The plot, setting, character development, and symbolism were conveyed to viewers in a far more easier and accessible way in the film than in the novel. The elements of drama were more conducive in the film than in the novel. Foreshadowing was one of the main elements of drama that was shown. The novel foreshadowed chaos and tumult but did not allow the reader to know who was to be killed. On the contrary the movie allowed this to be know through obvious foreshadowing. An example of this is when Piggy was about to be killed. In the film for a straight five minutes, the rock which was to crush Piggy, was being moved by Roger. It was known for quite sometime that his death was approaching at a rapid pace. The foreshadowing of Ralph being left alone was immense. It was known from the start that Jack would gain all power and all would join his tribe since more appealing. the air was ready to explodea brassy glare had taken the place of clear daylight. This opened chapter 9 in the novel foreshadowing that something bad was on its way; Simons death. The movies foreshadowing of this was far more effective because one could visually see the tension and chaos aroused by the brutal thunderstorm. Irony was also displayed more conducively in the film. An example of this is when Simon was killed. This was very ironic because it was not expected for Simon the quiet one to die. The movie left a bigger dent on viewers with this ironic event by the visual appearance of poor Simons death and his frail body floating in the ocean. Other elements of drama shown in the movie such as facial expressions and body language lead to specific results a lot better than descriptive sections in the book. Being able to see with your own two eyes and not imagine within your mind allowed the films drama elements to be better than those of the book. Some sacrifices were made to preserve the story and the medium. In the film the pigs head was not ever labeled as the Lord of the flies like in the novel. It never talked. If the pig talked the film would have been extremely odd since the effects that would have made it talk would have been unrealistic. In both the movie and film sacrifices such as Ralph, the protagonist, not dying and the story ending with them getting saved were needed to preserve the story. The story of Lord of the Flies in both movie and book form were amazing pieces of art. The underlying meaning and point made in both mediums was that there is a dark side of human nature and that each member of humankind has this dark side. The island paradise conveyed was not only a symbol of Utopia but the Garden of Eden. In the beginning life could not have been better for all the small boys inhabiting the island but due to their young age, outside influences, and no adult intervention this paradise turned into a living hell inhabited by numerous evil beasts. The story shows how without a civilized influence(adult) small children can go wild. At age 12 and younger children need guidance and structure. The corrupted savages of the island paradise are perfect examples of independence for young children.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Health Care Of The Elderly

Health Care Of The Elderly Geriatrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on health care of the elderly. This is the study of the aging process itself. The term comes from the Greek geron meaning old man and iatros meaning healer. Geriatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with the aged and the problems of the aging.The field of gerontology includes illness prevention and management, health maintenance,and promotion of the quality of life for the aged. The ongoing increase in the number of elder person.The experiences of aging result from interaction of physical,mental,social and cultural factors. Aging as well as the treatment of the elderly, is often determined the way elder person views the process of aging, as well as the manner in which he or she adapts to growing older. A more heterogeneous elderly population than any generation that preceded it can be expected. The majority of elderly seen in the health care setting have been diagnosed with at least 1 chronic condition. Individuals who in the 1970s would not have survived a debelitating illness, such as cancer or a castastrophic health event leki hearth attack, can now life more period of sometimes with a variety of concurrent debilitating conditions. Although age is most consistent and strongest predictor of risk for cancer and for the death from cancer, a mangement of elder cancer patient becomes complex because the choronic conditions, such as osteoarthritis, diabetes, Aging is a broad concept that includes physical changes in peoples bodies over adult life, psychologic changes in their mind and mental capacities, social pyschologic changes in they think and believe, and social changes in how they are viewed, what they expect, and what is expected of them. Aging is constantly evolving concept. Notions that biologic age is more critical than chronologic age when determing health status of the alderly are valid Aging is an individual and extremely variable process. The functional capacity of major body organs varies with advancing age. As one grows older, environmental and lifestyle factors affet the age-related functional changes in body organs GERIATRICS ASSESSMENT CARE MANAGERS A Care Plan is an outcome of a geriatric assessment, and is essentially an action plan for future care. A Care Plan lists all identified problems, suggests specific interventions or actions required and makes specific recommendations regarding resources needed to provide the necessary support services. What is geriatric assessment? A geriatric assessment is a comprehensive evaluation designed to optimize an older persons ability to enjoy good health, improve their overall quality of life, reduce the need for hospitalization and/or institutionalization, and enable them to live independently for as l ong as possible. An assessment consists of the following steps: An examination of the older persons current status in terms of: Their physical, mental, and psycho-social health Their ability to function well and to independently perform the basic activities of daily living such as dressing, bathing meal preparation, medication management, etc. Their living arrangements, their social network, and their access to support services. An identification of current problems or anticipated future problems in any of these areas. The development of a comprehensive Care Plan which addresses all problems identified, suggests specific interventions or actions required, and makes specific recommendations regarding resources needed to provide the necessary support services. The management of a successful linkage between these resources and the older person and that persons family so that provision of the necessary services is assured. An ongoing monitoring of the extent to which this linkage has, or has not, addressed the problems identified, and the modification of the Care Plan as needed. When is a geriatric assessment needed? A request for a geriatric assessment would be appropriate when there are persistent or intermittent symptoms such as: memory loss, confusion, or other signs of possible dementia. DEMENTIA : Global impairment of intellectual function (cognition) interfering with social and occupational activities. Often, what looks like Alzheimers or dementia can be the result of medication interactions or other medical or psychiatric problems. Because of the thoroughness of the geriatric assessment, it is one of the best ways to determine what the actual problem and cause is or is not. Who performs a geriatric assessment? A geriatric assessment can be done in many different settings such as: a hospital, a nursing home, an outpatient clinic, a physicians office or the patients home. It is an assessment that is comprehensive in scope, involving a complete review of the current status of the older person in all of its complex dimensions, and because it is so comprehensive, it can only be successfully conducted by a multi-disciplinary team of experts. This team might include: physicians, ancillary personnel, social workers, physical and/or occupational therapists, dieticians, psychologists, pharmacists, and geriatric nurse practitioners. You can request a referral for a geriatric assessment from a primary care physician. Also, check with any large hospital or university to see whether they have a geriatric assessment unit. Geriatric care managers A geriatric care manager (GCM) is a professional with specialized knowledge and expertise in senior care issues. Ideally, a GCM holds an advanced degree in gerontology, social work, psychology, nursing, or a related health and human services field. Sometimes called case managers, elder care managers, service coordinators or care coordinators, GCMs are individuals who evaluate your situation, identify solutions, and work with you to design a plan for maximizing your elders independence and well being. Geriatric care management usually involves an in-depth assessment, developing a care plan, arranging for services, and following up or monitoring care. While you arent obligated to implement any part of the suggested care plan, geriatric care managers often suggest potential alternatives you might not have considered, due to their experience and familiarity with community resources. They can also make sure your loved one receives the best possible care and any benefits to which they are entitled. Help provided by geriatric care managers Geriatric care managers facilitate the care selection process for family members who live at a distance from their elderly relatives, as well as for those who live nearby but do not know how to tap into the appropriate local services. You can hire a care manager for a single, specific task, such as helping you find a daily caregiver, or to oversee the entire caregiving process. Geriatric care managers can help families or seniors who are: new to elder care or uncomfortable with elder care decision-making; having difficulty with any aspect of elder care; faced with a sudden decision or major change, such as a health crisis or a change of residence; dealing with a complex situation such as a psychiatric, cognitive, health, legal, or social issue. In addition to helping seniors and their families directly, geriatric care managers can act as your informed connection with a range of other professionals who are part of your elder care network, including any of the following service providers: Attorneys or trust officers. A care manager can serve as both elder advocate and intermediary with financial and legal advisors. The GCM is often a good source of referrals if a family needs services from these professionals. Physicians. The GCM is an ideal liaison between doctors and other health professionals, and the elder patient and family members. Social workers. It is useful for hospital and nursing home social workers and discharge planners to know that their senior patient will have someone to coordinate their care and assist them on a long-term basis. Home care companies. The GCM will know local agencies and be able to explain options, costs, and oversight of home care workers. The care manager can also assist in dealing with patients social issues, help link to other community resources, and suggest possible placement options. Residential facilities. The GCM can help identify types of care facilities and assist you in selecting an appropriate one for your situation. The GCM may also be able to streamline the transition into or out of a senior community, for both the elderly resident, family members and staff. Finding a geriatric care manager In addition to the many References and resources available, a good place to start your search for a geriatric care manager is with your family physician. Other sources for referrals include: local hospitals and health maintenance organizations senior or family service organizations senior centers religious affiliations Medicaid offices private care management companies While geriatric care managers are frequently licensed by the state within their respective fields of expertise, there are no state or national regulations for professional care managers per se. For this reason, anyone can use the title case or care manager. Membership in a professional organization and/or certification in care management are good indicators of appropriate background. The National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers recognizes the following designations for a Certified Care Manager: CMC, CCM, C-ASWCM and C-SWCM. Each of these requires testing and continuing education. Geriatrics syndroms Dementia, Delirium, Urinary Incontinence, Osteoporosis, Falls/ Gait Disorders, Decubitus Ulcers, Sleep Disorders, Failure to Thrive Organ specific disease/syndrome Ear, Eye, Cardiovascular, Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Communicable Diseases, Respiratory, Oral, Gastrointestinal, Endocrinological, Sexual Dysfunction and Gynecology, Hematology and Oncology, Kidney/Prostate, Skin Diseases Geriatric psychiatry Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Personality Disorders, Substance Related Disorders, Memory Disorders (non-dementia) Patient care Geriatric Assessment, Hospitalization, Emergency Medical Services, Surgical Procedures, Long-Term Care, Preventive Health Services, Rehabilitation, Pain Management/ Palliative Care Aging Age Distribution/Demography, Basic Sciences, Pharmacology/ Polypharmacy Patient care of the elderly Tips for working with the eldery patient Take time to edudcate the patient and his or her family. Speak lower and closer treat the patient with dignity and respect.Give the patient time to rest between projections and procedures. Avoid adhesive tape: elderly skin thin and fragile. Provide arm blankets in cold examination rooms. Use table pads and hand nails. Always access the patients medical history before contrast media is administered. Patient and family education Educating all patient, especially the elderly ones, about imaging procedures is crucial to obtain their confindence abd compliance. More time with elderly patient may be necessary to accommodate their decreased ability is rapidly process information. The majority of elderly have been diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.They typically arrive at the clinical imaging environment with the natural anxiety because they are like to have lilttle knowledge of the procedure or highly technical modalities employed for their procedure. Moreover, a fear concerning consequences resulting from the examination exacerbates their increased level of anxiety. Taking time to educate patient and their family or signification caregivers in their support system about the procedures makes of a less stressfull experiences and improved patient compliances and satisfaction. Communication Good communication and listening skills create a connection between the radiographer and his or her patient. Older people are unique and should be treated with dignity and respects. Each elderly person is a wealth of cultural and historical knowledge that is turn becomes a learning experiences for the radiographer. If it is a evident that the patient cannot hear or understand the verbal directions. It is appropriate to speak lower and closer. Background noise can be disrupting to an older person and should be eliminated of possible when giving precise instructions. Giving instruction individual gives the elder person time to process a request. An empathetic, warm attitude and approach to the geriatric patient will result in a trusting and compliant patient. Transportation and lifting Balance and coordination of the elderly patient can be affected by normal aging changes. Their anxiety about falling can be diminished by assistance in out of a wheelchair and to and from the examination table. Many elderly patient have decreased height perception resulting from some degree of vision impairment. Hesitition of the elderly person may be due to previous falls. Assiting an older patient when there is need to step up or down throughout the procedure is more than a reassuring gesture. Preventing opportunities for falls is a necessity for the radiographer. The elderly patient will often experiences vertigo and dizziness when going from a recumbent postion to a sitting position. Giving the patient time to test between position will mitigate these disturbing, frightening, and uncomfortable sensations. The use of table handgrips and proper assistance from the radiographer creates a sense of security for the elderly patient. A sense of security will result in a compliant and tr usting patient throughtout the imaging procedure. Skin care Acute age-related changes in the skin will cause it to become thin and fragile.The skin becomes more susceptible to bruising, tears, abrasion, and blisters. All health care professional should use caution in turning and holding the elderly patient.Excessive pressure on the skin will cause it to break and tear .Adhesive tape should be avoided because it can be irritating and can easily tear the skin of an older person. The loss of fat and makes it painfull for the elder patient to lie in a hard surface and can increase the possibility developing ulceration. Decubitus ulcers, or pressure sores, are commonly seen in bedridden people or those will decreased mobality.Bony areas such as the heels, angkle, elbow and the lateral hips are frequent side for pressure sores. A decubitus ulcer can develop in 1 to 2 hours. Almost with out exception, table use for imaging procedures are hard surface and cannot be avoided.However the use of table pad can reduce the friction between the hard surface of the table and the patient fragile skin. Sponges,Blankets and the positioning aids will make the procedures much more bearable and comfortable for the elderly patient.Because skin plays a critiscal role in maintaining body temperature, the increasingly thinning process associated with aging skin renders the patient less able to retain normal body heat. Thus the regulation of body temperature of the elderly person varies from that to a younger person. To prevent hypotamia in room where the ambient ier temperature is comfortable for the radiographer, it may be essential to provide blankets for the elderly patient. Contrast administration Because of age related changes in kidney and liver function, only the amount, the type of contrast media is varied when performing radiographic procedures on the elderly patient. The number of functioning nephrons in the kidneys steadily decreases from middle the throughout the life span. Compromised kidney function contributes to the elderly patient being more prone to electrolcyte and fluid imbalance. This can create life-threatening consequences. They are also more suspectible to the effect of dehydration because of diabetes and decreased renal or adrenal function. The decision if type and amount of contrat media used for the geriatric patient usually follow some sprt of routine protocol. Assessment for contrast agent administration accomplished by the imaging technologist must include age and history of liver, kidney or thyroid disease; history of hypersensitivity reactions and previous reaction to medications or contrast agent ; sensitivity to asprin; over the-counter and prescription drug history including acetotaminophen (Tylenol); and history of hypertension. The imaging technologist must be selective in locating an appropriate vein for contrast administration on the elderly patient. They should consider the location and condition of the vein, decrease intergrity of the skin, and the duration of the theraphy.Thin superficial veins, repeatedly used veins,and veins located area where the skin is bruised or scarred should be avoided. Assess the patient for any swallowing impairments, which could lead to difficulties with drinking liquid contrast agents. The patient should be instructed to drink slowly to avoid choking, and an upright position will help prevent aspiration. The Radiographers Role The role of radiographers is no different than that of all other health professionals.The whole person must be treated, not just the manifested symptoms of an illness or injury. Medical imaging and therapeutic procedures reflect the impact of ongoing systemic aging in documentable and visual forms. Adapting procedures to accommodate disablilities and diseases of geriatric patient is a critical responsibility and a challenge based almost exclusively on the radiographers knowledge, abilities and skills. An understanding of the physiology and pathlogy of aging, in addition to an awareness of the social, physiologic, congnitive and economic aspects of aging, are required to meet the need of elderly population. Condition typically associated with elderly patient invariably requires adaptations or modifications of routine imaging procedures. The radiographers must be able to differentiate between age-related changes and disease processes. Production of diagnostic images requiring professio nal decision making to compensate for physiologic changes, while maintaining the campliances,safety and comfort of the patient, is the foundation of the contract between the elderly patient and the radiographers. Radiographic positioning for geriatric patient The preceding discussion and understanding of the physical,cognitive,and physchology effect on aging can help radiographers adapt the positioning challenges of the geriatric patient.In some cases routine examination need to be modified to accommodate the limitation,safety and comfort of the patient.Communicating clear instruction with the patient is important.The following discussion addresses positioning suggestion for various structures. Chest The positioning of choice of the chest radiography is the upright positions, however the elderly patient may not able to stand without assistance for this examination. The tradisional posterioranterior (PA) position as to have the back of hand on hips. This may difficult for someone with ampaired balanced and flexiblelity. The radiographer can allow the patient to wrap his or her arm around the chest stand as a means of support and security. The patient may not able to maintain his or her arms over the head for the lateral projection of the chest.Provide extra security and stability while moving the arms up and forward. When the patient cannot stand, the examination may be done seated in whellchair, but some issue will be effect the radiographic quality. First the radiologist need to be aware that the radiograph is an anterior-posterior (AP) instead of a PA projection, which may make obscure the lung bases, in a sitting position, respiration may be instructed on the importance of a deep inspiration. Positioning of the image receptor for the kyphotic patient should be higher than normal because the shoulder and apices are in a higher position. Radiographic landmark may change with age and the centering may need to be lower if the patient is extremely kyphotic. When positioning the patient for the sitting lateral chest projection.The radiographer should place large sponge behind the patient to lean hind or her forward. CHEST (Portable) Exam Rationale: Cassette size: 35ÃÆ'-43cm Non-grid 72 kVp, 6 mAs AP projection (upright or supine) Spine Radiographic spine examination may be painful for the patient suffering from osteoporosis that is lying on the bucky table. Positioning aids such as radiolucent, sponges, sandbags, and a mattress may be used as long as the quality of the images is not compromised. Performing upright radiographic examination may also be appropriate if a patient can safety tolerate this position. Performing upright radiographic examination may also be appropriate if a patient can safely tolerate this position. The combination of cervical lardosis and thoracic kyphosis can make positioning and visualization of the cervical projection can be done with the patient standing, sitting, or lying supine. The AP projection in the sitting position may not visualize the upper cervical vertebrae because the chin may abscure this anatomy. In the supine position the head may not reach the table and result in magnification. The AP and openmouth projection are difficult to do on a wheelchair. The thoracic and lumbar spines are sites for compression fractures. The use of positioning blocks may be necessary ho help the patient remain in position. For the lateral projection, a lead bloker or shield behind the spine should be used to absorb as much scatter radiation as possible. Pelvis/Hip Osteoarthiritis, osteoprosis and injuries as the result of falls contribute to hip pathologies. A common fracture in the elderly is the femoral neck. An AP projection of the pelvis should be done to examine the hip. If the indication is trauma, the radiographers should not attempt to rotate the limbs. The second view taken should be cross-table lateral of the effected hip. If hip pain is the indication, assist the patient to internal rotation of the legs with use of sandbags if necessary. Upper Extremity Positioning the geriatric patient for projection of the upper extremities can present its own challenges. Often the upper extremities have limited flexiblelity and mobality. A cerebrovascular accident or stroke may cause contractures of the affected limb, Contractures of the affected limb, Contracted limbs cannot be forced into position, and cross-table views may need to be done. The inability of the patient to move his or her limbs should not be interpreted os a lack of cooperation. Supinated is often a problems in patient with constructures, fracture and paralysis. The routine AP and lateral projections can be supported with the use of sponges, sanbags, and blocks to raise and support the extremities being image. The shoulder is also a site of decreased mobality, dislocation, and fratures.The therapist should assess how much movement before the patient can do before attempting to move the arm. The use of finger sponges may also help with the contractures if the finger. Lower extremity The lower extremities may have limited flexibility and mobality. The ability to dorsiflex the ankle may be reduced as a result of neurologi disorder. Imaging on the x-ray table may need to be modified when a patient cannot turn on his or her side. Flexion of the knee may be impaired and require a cross-table lateral projection. If a tangential projection of the pattela, such as the settegast method, is necessary and the patient can turn on his or her side, place the image receptor superior to the knee and direct the central ray perpendicular throught the pattela-femoral joint. Projection of the feet and ankles may be obtained with the patient sititng in the whellchair. The use of positioning sponges and sanbags support and maintain the position of the body part being imaged. Technical Factors. Exposure factors also need to be taken into considerarion when image the geriatric patient. The loss of bone mass, as well as atrophy of tissue, often requires a lower kilovoltage (kVp) to maintain sufficient contrast. kVp also a factor in chest radiographs when there may be a large heart and pleural fluid to penetrate. Patient with emphysema require a reduction in technical factors to prevent overexpose of the lungs fields. Patient assessment can help with the appropriate exposure adjustment. Time may also be a major factor. Geriatric patient may have problems maintaining the positions necessary for the examinations. A short exposure time will help reduce any voluntary and involuntarymotion and breathing. Ensure that the geriatric patient clearly hears and understands the breathing instructions. Conclusion The imaging professional will continue to see a changes in the health care delivery system with the dramatic shift in the population of person older than age 65. This shift in the general population is resulting in an ongoing increase in the number of medical imaging procedures performed on elderly patient. Demographic and social effect on aging determine the way which the eldely adapt to and view the process of aging. An individuals family size and perceptions of aging, economic resources, gender, race, athnicity, social class, and the availability and delivery of health care will affect the quality of the aging experiences. Biological age will be much more critical than chronologic aging when determining the health status of the elderly. Healthier lifestyles and advancement in medical treatment will create a generation of successfully aging adults, which in turn should decrease the negative stereotypes of the elderly person. Attitude of all health care professionals, whether positi ve or negative, will affect the care provided to the growing elderly population. Education about the mental and physiologic alteration associated with aging, along with the cultural, economic, and social influences accompanying aging, enables the radiographers to adapt imaging and therapeutic procedures to the elderly patients disablities resulting from age-related changes. The human body undergoes a multiplicity of physiologic changes and failure in all organ systems.the aging experiences is affected by heredity, lifestyle, choices, physical health, and attitude making it highly individualized. No individuals agign process is predictable and is never exactly the same as that of any other individuals. Radiologic technologist must use their knowledge.abilities and skills to adjust imaging procedures to accommodate for disabilities and disease encountered with geriatric patients. Safety and comfort of the patient is essential in maintaining compliances throughtout imaging procedures. Implementation of skills such as communication, listening, sensitivity, and empathy, all lead patient compliances. Knowledges of age-related changes and disease process will anchance the radiographers ability to provided diagnostic imformation and treatment when providing care that meets the needs if tge increasing elderly patient population. GERIATRICS

Friday, September 20, 2019

Case of study of executive holloware

Case of study of executive holloware INTRODUCTION: This document contains the case of study of Executive Holloware (EH), a company that manufactures products that aimed at the top end of market with a commanded high price. The most important product was the handmade silver-plated tea sets. In the following pages, a definition and specification of quality is presented and why it is important for the company. It is also mention the main causes of the problems in the case of study, the measure of quality in the stages during the manufacturing process and finally the recommendations of steps for implementing quality improvements. 1. Why is quality important to Executive Holloware? The term Quality is the core business for Executive Holloware, because this company produces high value products at the top end of market and commanded high prices. The most important product was the handmade, silver plated Georgian tea sets, hence the relevance of developing a product in the required and approved conditions that satisfy the high expectations of the customer. Because the company in 2002 had become one of the leading UK Holloware suppliers, quality is related to the final product and the acceptance of the customer to the new products. The concept of quality is also important for the organization because they produced different cutlery and tableware items and decided to specialise in the production of the tea sets; hence, the relevance of considering quality in the new methods, the raw material, the internal process, and the final products to face the competitive edge and increase the profitability of the organization. Quality is important because the company lost around  £12,000 each month in re-working and customer returns, therefore the relevance to achieve a standardized process and to avoid defects in the product. 2.- What do you understand by the term quality? The term quality has been updated year after year because of the different ideas, philosophies and methods that have emerged (Maguad, 2006). In order to understand better the term quality, it is necessary to consider the customer point of view and the process involved. First, quality can be defined as meeting the customer requirements, but there is another stage of satisfying the customers such as delighting them, which allows the companies to measure customer loyalty and the total satisfaction of the products developed. (Oakland, 2003) Second, the term quality also refers to the reliability of the product. Because of the standardization and high-performance practices, quality depends on how well the organization performs through the process to develop a product and the ability of it to continue meeting the customer expectations. (Maguad, 2006) The concept of quality is related not only in the product, but also in the entire processes in an organization, hence the necessity to define a specification in production. This allows developing a product with the standard requirements with a detail description of components, parameters, raw material used and inspection process and evaluation control. (Drew, 2006) 3.- How would you specify quality for Executive Holloware? The term quality for Executive Holloware can be specified mainly on the high value silver products in the market. These products need to be without any scratches or bruises and also most of the items should leave the factory after the quality inspection to achieve the determined specifications. Because the main product is high value Holloware, EH must define quality with the following characteristics in the process: 1. Reliability.- Customers expect that the product will last longer that the regular one in the market while purchasing a Holloware item, therefore the product specification and raw material are important regarding to the customer usage no matter the environmental factor. (Oakland, 2003) 2. Aesthetic characteristics.- Clearly, these products are valuable because of the appearance, hence the relevance of avoiding any defect of each product. This also involves the specification of color, size, and durability. (Oakland, 2003) Quality is also specified in the internal process. This process needs to be measure and comparable to the acceptable ranges in production to develop a product that fulfil the specifications and it also requires the participation from everyone in the organization. (Maguad, 2006) 4.- What are the underlying causes of the problems at Executive Holloware? There are some problems presented in the EH case of study. First, the products developed by the company are high value tea sets items, thus the necessity to maintain a standard performance to produce a product without any defect. One cause of the problem is that there is no specific definition of defect in the entire process. It is mentioned that the senior shop foreman does not have a clear understanding of defect definition and this affect the correct performance of the entire process because it represent in re-working cost. Other cause of problem is that each department does not maintain a close communication about the relevance of the quality in the process. Paul realized that each department blame each other regarding to the scratches and bruises of the product. Even the finance director did not has a clear vision of the situation, therefore the lack of communication and process internal control In the Organization, there were no specification clearly defined of quality and the metrics of quality acceptance during the process, such as the clear definition of scratch and bruise in the teapots and the acceptable ranges like tolerances or specifications in production. This generates problems in the process and the re-working cost while sending back the items to remove or to correct the defects. Finally, quality assurance during the process is responsibility of each member in the organization. (Talha, 2004) In this case, the quality department was the only responsible of this task and the other departments were not able to perform a quality inspection before the product leaves the organization to the market. A clear quality control process will ensure the well performance and development of the high value product for customer expectations. (Talha, 2004) 5.- How should Executive Holloware measure quality at each stage of the process? Paul can utilize a combination of tools and techniques to measure quality in each stage of the process in order to highlight complex data in a clear visual way, to evaluate the stages that generates most of the problems, to emphasize the areas to be prioritized, to show relationships between the departments, to determine cause of failure and to implement an improvement procedure. (Bamford, 2003) The measurement techniques of quality in each stage are the following. * Press Shop.- At this process the Pareto diagram is the tool that organizes the data from the larges to the smallest that requires attention and can be used for measuring at this stage. (Hagemeyer, 2005). This allows to identify the problem in the first place and to avoid sending the defect product to the next stage. A graphical tool, such as scattered diagrams, can be applied in this stage to show the relationship between the factors. (Hagemeyer, 2005). * Plating and Softening: There are some tools for measuring that can be applied this stage for instance the Check Sheet to collect data, organize and categorize to detect defects and for further analysis; the histograms, to show the frequency with which a value occurs; and Control Charts as a sensitive tool used by the staff to prevent errors or defects. (Hagemeyer, 2005). * Assembly.- At this stage, Paul should measure quality by the Statistical Process Control Chart, which monitor and predicts the performance of the process; the process flow diagram to show a graphic illustration of the actual process to avoid mistakes. (Hagemeyer, 2005) Finally, the Gage repeatability and reproducibility tool can be applied to determine the amount of variation in the measurement system and the sources of the variation. (William, 2005) * Polishing.- In the investigation made by Paul, it was showed that the polishing and buffing department got the mayor number of complains because of the scratches and bruises. Therefore, the quality techniques and tools that can be applied in this stage for measurement are Cause and Effect Diagram to identify the sub-causes of the main problem; The Statistical Quality Control to monitor the production process by taking samples of the products and plot the data in control charts. (Hagemeyer, 2005). 6.- What steps would you advise Paul Stone to take to improve quality? The Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) cycle is a suitable technique for monitoring and problem solving for continuous quality improvement and the steps are the following: 1. Plan.- In this step, Paul needs to identify the problem with the quality tools like brainstorming, Pareto charts, employees inputs, why-why diagrams; analyze the problems and set objectives (cheek sheets, scatter diagrams, control charts, cause and defect diagrams); determine performance measurements; and explore alternative solutions. (Ahmed, 2002) 2. Do.- This includes planning and execute the solutions defined. The action plan is required with the people involved in the implementation and the responsibilities of each one; therefore the internal communication and commitment in the organization is crucial. (Oakland, 2003) 3. Check- In this step, Paul will be able to evaluate the performance with different tools such as control charts, check sheets, histograms, Pareto charts, etc.) (Ahmed, 2002). 4. Act.- This includes further improvement and standardized solutions in the organization. (Ahmed, 2002) Paul needs to consider that a quality improvement program should be employed as a strategic improvement initiative, rather than a performance enhancing tool or techniques; and it has to be integrated with organizational strategy and operations to succeed. (Asif, 2009). In addition to the steps mentioned above, a quality improvement implementation must consider the commitment and involvement of all the parties in the process, an open communication, continuous improvement, internal and external customer focus, a partnership with suppliers, and monitoring and evaluating procedures of quality. (Mohammad, 2006). Conclusions Quality is an important concept in the performance of any organization. A definition of the term Quality has been updated because of the organization procedures, environmental changes and customer expectations. (Maguad, 2006). In this document the term quality was defined and also it was showed the importance of it for Executive Holloware. The causes of the problems in the case study were presented, and the recommendation of how the company should measure quality in each stage of the process. Finally, it is included the steps for implementation a quality improvement in the organization in order to face the customer requirements and to perform as a competitive organization in the Holloware industry. REFERENCES: 1. Ahmed S. (2002), et. al. Survey and Case investigations on application of quality management tools and techniques in SMIs. [online]. 20, (7), 795-826. Article from Emerald, last accessed 10 December 2009 at: 2. Asif M. (2009). Why quality management programs fail: A strategic and operations management perspective. [online]. 26, (8), 778-794. Article from Emerald last accessed 13 December 2009 at: 3. Bamford D. et. al. (2003). The use of quality management tools and techniques: a study of application in everyday situations. [online], 22, (4), 376-392. Article from Emerald last accessed 11 December 2009 at: 4. 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